Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Georgia on my mind...

Why is it right before you get some well-deserved time off things always seem to get so hectic? Is your to-do list suddenly miles long because you actually have many tasks to complete... or does it just feel that way because you have a big deadline looming and on the other side is... ahhh....vacation! In my case, definitely both!

The family truckster of Vacation fame

In one week, the hubby and I are taking a little road trip to Savannah, Georgia. Loading up the family truckster a la the Griswolds.

It is during the Savannah Music Festival and we will be seeing my FAVORITE band of all-time Wilco. Yes, again. This our 9th time (10th if you count that we've seen the lead singer solo.) 
 Here we are nerding out while getting Jeff Tweedy's autograph after a Louisville concert

And me with Glenn Kotche, the drummer & my other husband.
(Just kidding, dear!)

As we once heard a fellow fan say at a show in Indianapolis** while waiting in line for beer, "These boys will rock your face off!" It is a sold-out show so I'm most certain they will....

This will be our first extended road trip so good music will be a must--as always!

Now Bob Dylan has a show on Sirius XM (I don't have satellite radio.. but somehow I know about these things?). It is called Theme Time Radio Hour in which all his shows have a music theme.

I often create playlists in this same vein... and call them Lindsay's Theme Time Radio Hour. Let me tell you, it takes some effort. And yes, by admitting this I realize I'm admitting to being quite a dork! I love a theme. (I am my mother's daughter!)

Matt and I were discussing a "Georgia" theme playlist and we actually came up with a pretty good one, pretty quickly!
(Beginning of course with Ray Charles....although we also decided it also kinda conjures up the opening to the show Designing Women...pretty sure  that show was in Atlanta so we should be safe from any theme tours in Savannah...)

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Oh, Suzanne!

**(The same show, mind you, where we were in the very front row during an especially muggy, mosquito-y summer's night  and Jeff Tweedy, the lead singer, borrowed my bug spray--and I, upon throwing the bottle like a girl, hit it right into his rather expensive guitar. And he, upon throwing it back, hit me right in the "cleavage".  He then proceeded to apologize by saying "Didn't mean to hit you in the cleavage... but that's for pegging my guitar!"  into the microphone.... in front of the whole crowd. I do have a bootleg of the show and you can hear the whole thing. Also, our picture was on the Indianapolis Star's website....great night!)
I'm yelling my signature concert "Owww!" 
Not seen in photo: Reed... making his way back to his seat. As seen next to Matt.

1 comment:

  1. I love a theme. (I am my mother's daughter!)

    And she is so proud!
