Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One week he's in polka dots, the next week he is in stripes.. cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion...

Do you ever get on-line and you start at site you might normally look at.. and then you link.. and link.. and you come across something bizarre/strange/cool out of nowhere? It happened to me today and because of it I learned about "go to hell pants". Actually, it can be a "go to hell" shirt, sweater, just about anything.
 An example of some "go to hell" pants. 

Somehow I ended up here on a street style blog called Mister Mort . I'm kind of getting obsessed with street style blogs--there's so many. But more on those in a minute. Back to the "go to hell" pant. On Mister Mort it said "If you are not already familiar with the term Go To Hell Pant, google it." So I did. And I came across the Tweed & Velvet blog, which offered a helpful explanation and some photos. And if you really want the whole history of the trend.. go here. Basically, it means... if you don't like these pants (i.e. shirt, tie, shorts, etc.) you can go to hell! Ah-ha! Very preppy. Very dapper on-the-yacht-with-Mimi-going-for-a-clambake-later kind of ensemble. 

I think he's saying, "Dahling, if you don't like my embroidered lobster pants.. go to hell!"

 Maybe I can get Matt to rock the skull & crossbones "go to hell's"?
( I doubt it)

So back to the street style blogs...mostly they are photos of fashion-y people on the street.. some everyday hipsters...looking cool, showing off their own personal style in various cities around the world, NYC, Paris, London.... It's fascinating. There's a good entry here that gives you a list of some of the best street style blogs... Happy internet-ting! 

He's a dedicated follower of fashion... The Kinks.

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